The pet insurer has released claims data to help potential dog owners make better decisions picking a pet, after lockdown sees a surge in pet owners 

Pet insurance broker Animal Friends has released data from 260,000 claims made last year in a bid to help potential dog owners make more informed decisions on the breed they choose. 

This is because certain health problems are more commonly associated with some breeds of dogs than others, therefore the claims data could demonstrate how best to support their pet.

The data has been collated in a top 20 most popular dogs online guide for potential pet owners.

Wes Pearson, managing director at Animal Friends Insurance, said: “We’re on a mission to help potential dog owners make an informed decision when it comes to choosing a breed of dog, whether you take home a new puppy or rescue a dog from a shelter.

”As an organisation which has donated over £4m to animal charities, we wanted to do our part to help anyone considering a dog to access thorough research on a breed at the click of a button.”

“There is so much information online and it can be difficult to know who to trust, but we hope by releasing our data it’s now easier than ever to see at a glance, the types of health conditions dog breeds can be affected by and the potential costs involved.

“We’ve also gone one step further, using our partnership with the vets at Joii Pet Care to share ways in which these conditions can be managed and prevented, to help keep dogs and their owners living happy and fulfilled lives together.”

It follows a surge in people buying puppies during and post lockdown.

Common claims 



The Breed Health Guide features breed-specific guides showing conditions for each one and where claims are more likely.

It also lists average costs per condition so that potential owners can compare vet bills between breeds.

For example, it highlighted that most claims for Labradors are because of skeletal or joint issues, and over exercising dogs such as these when they are young can cause problems.

Meanwhile vet bills for Labrador’s swallowing things they should not are higher compared to other breeds.

Dog owners will also be able to access professional and complementary advice from vets as the pet insurer partner with Joii Pet Care via an app.

This includes video calls to vet nurses and vets any time as well as prescriptions that can be delivered in 48 hours.

Read more…Pet insurance market profits as pandemic lockdown sees more new pet owners 

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