Those responsible for 90% of world's oil reserves express concern about their full understanding of the emerging risks they face.

Less than 10% of National Oil Company (NOC) leaders surveyed feel strongly that they have a full understanding of the risks they face and how to effectively manage them, according to new research.

More than 90% of the NOC leaders Marsh polled agreed that more discussion forums were needed.

“The spectrum of risk that business leaders face today is far more complex than ever before,” said Brian Storms, chairman and CEO of Marsh. “The study…shows that newer risks – such as the impact of climate change – are moving near the top of the list.”

Andrew George, Marsh's Marine & Energy leader in Dubai, said: "We're hopeful the many eye-opening findings contained in this new research will help accelerate an open dialogue on the risk issues and business challenges NOCs face. Our mission is to promote greater awareness and collaboration among companies that are assuming critical leadership roles in the global energy market."