Claims of botched renewals at NU Direct

Hill House Hammond (HHH) staff are advising customers to go to their local broker rather than switch to Norwich Union Direct (NUD), according to sources from within the company.

Faced with complaints over botched renewal documents from NUD and the fact that many customers do not want to go direct, some staff are sending customers to their nearest competitor.

An HHH employee said: "We have already had a number of customers who received renewals from NUD that were absolute rubbish. Details, including the type of policy, are just plain wrong.

"Well over 65% of the customers do not like the change at all. If someone says they want personal service we are recommending local brokers. This is happening at other branches too."

HHH staff were recently informed that both the run-off outsourcing deal with Capita and the branch closure programme are to be brought forward. Claims will transfer on 12 July with all staff transferring to Capita under Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) regulations.

A company update to staff on the position of HHH senior management confirmed that managing director Ken Applegate, HR and customer relations director Graham Powell, programme director Graham Shannan and head of claims Paul Bowyer will all be leaving the company within the next two months.

Meanwhile, the sale of the HHH speciality lines business continues to go through due diligence. Towergate has confirmed it does not want to purchase the cherished car accounts, which will go to Hall & Clarke.

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