GAB Robins has responded to the storms which lashed southeastern France by dispatching loss adjusters to the affected areas in the Rhone Valley.

Last week, France's second-biggest city, Marseille, was declared a disaster area. President Chirac promised the region €12m as part of an initial emergency fund.

During the storms, winds of up to 150km per hour left large areas of the Rhone Valley underwater, said GAB Robins.

GAB Robins Francexpert Christophe Fournial said: "It is difficult to gain an accurate picture of the severity of damage on insured property. However, it does appear that the majority of the damage is confined to homes, apartments, small traders and localised commercial centres.

"GAB Robins Francexpert has immediately responded with a number of our adjusters from our Northern France Operation despatched to our offices in Avignon, Marseilles, Toulon and Montpellier to reinforce local teams."

GAB Robins said additional teams were on standby to go to the region if required. It said Francexpert would be working closely with GAB Robins' London market operations.

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