New broker targets motorists with above-average premium

brenda devine sure thing

A new broker run by former Kwik Fit boss Brendan Devine has gone live and will target above-average premiums with a brand that “looks like an Xbox racing game”.

As well as standard motor policies, Sure Thing! wants to win the business of drivers that Devine said were being overlooked.

These include imported cars, drivers with claims and convictions, young drivers, learner drivers, modified cars and performance cars.

Devine said the disparate risks all shared a love of their car, and that the brand would appeal to all of them.

“The research we did really resonates with them. They understood what we were about and thought it was completely different from other insurer brands,” he told Insurance Times.

“We got feedback that the logo looked like a PS4 or Xbox racing game. That was the target.”

Devine said the Sure Thing! brand name reflected the company’s attitude that “nothing’s a problem”.

“Whether you come to us by laptop, mobile, tablet, call centre it’s an easier, more straightforward purchase,” he said.  


Most of the broker’s call centre staff gained CII certification before the call centre opened.

Devine said that some insurers may have been burned in the past by some of the niches it targets, such as drivers with convictions, but said: “We’re looking to make sure that we present the right risks at the right price for them.”

It is enhancing the data from applicants with Experian credit data and checking whether the credit card they try to use to pay for the policy is UK registered.

“There are lot of customers in that segment. We’re weeding out the bad ones for insurers,” he said.

The broker is already live on three aggregators and sold its first policy on Tuesday night.

Sure Thing! has a multi-million pound backing from Primary Group. Devine said its private owner was not putting it under pressure to quickly return a profit.

“They’re all about building a long-term sustainable business based on the customer,” he said.

It is currently operating as an appointed representative of Primary Group-owned UK General.

Devine is the broker’s only executive director and is joined on the board non-executives Peter Hubbard, the chief executive of UK General, and Swiftcover founder Steve Hardy.

Its claims will be outsourced to Marketstudy owned Synchronicity.

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