Insurer offers affordable travel cover for breast cancer patients
Equity Insurance Group has launched a new travel policy, specifically developed to allow people diagnosed with breast cancer access to affordable cover.
'insurepink' has been created to redress underwriting inconsistencies and reduce heavy loadings traditionally imposed on travellers with pre-existing medical conditions.
Equity executive, Fiona Macrae says insurepink reflects the true risks of holiday travel, not the perceived impact of severe conditions.
"As a breast cancer patient, I've personally been through the frustration of trying to source travel insurance for my family and, notwithstanding the excessive premiums, found the experience degrading, especially when having to answer insensitive questions from brokers with little or no real understanding of the condition.
"insurepink has been created in consultation with breast cancer charities that understand the issues involved, therefore it's easily accessible, fairly rated, takes personal circumstances into account and is priced at the lowest premium possible," she adds.
In recognition of assistance provided by breast cancer charities, Equity is donating £1 to the Pink Ribbon Foundation from every travel and £10 from every car or home policy sold on-line through until October 1, 2008.
Meanwhile, the group confirms it is currently investigating the viability of developing similar travel insurance products aimed at providing affordable cover for people diagnosed with prostrate and testicular cancers.
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