It was only two years ago that Insurance Times first launched its monthly supplements to batch together in easy-to-keep form useful information on clearly marked market topics. Recognising the pace of change within the industry, we have moved on again with our new format and new style, IT2. We hope you not only like it, but benefit from it.
We have a round-up of stories in the sector, and two features looking at major issues that cross lines of business but affect us all. But we have kept the features looking at individual subject areas that have proved so popular.
Use this information. There is a huge untapped market out there of individuals and affinity groups with inadequate or even no insurance. With the right approach they will buy annual travel policies, perhaps combined with personal accident cover. They will find legal expenses insurance ridiculously cheap, and... the list is endless.
We want to join you in making 2001 your best year ever.
Chris Wheal