Helpucover highlights its rise in sales

Helpucover has revealed that the rate of sales for its Income Protection and Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance products have increased by 69% in the first two months of 2009 compared to the second half of 2008.

The company said that demand has been increasing dramatically for these products with Helpucover experiencing a sales increase of 75% in the second half of 2008 compared to the first half of the year. is the consumer offering from leading independent protection insurer, Pinnacle Insurance. The insurer also expects similar figures for the rest of 2009, illustrating the growing demand for protection insurance among UK workers. It said the rapidly growing demand for protection products is being driven in part by the onset of recession and the continued uncertainty in the job markets.

The insurer has also seen a growing trend for higher salary protection as the UK’s middle income families seek the assurance of monetary back-up should the worst happen, with the majority of policies being taken out by those between 25 and 40 years of age.

Helpucover provides independent, tailored income and mortgage protection insurance directly to the consumer, providing choice in the type of protection insurance sought.

Barbara Russell, head of marketing for, said: “The increase in demand for protection insurance demonstrates the growing insecurity amongst the UK population about their jobs. Consumers are responding to the current economic conditions by choosing to protect their income or mortgage payments with our independent products.

“ provides good value protection products. The cover provided by the protection insurance is clearly detailed in the policy document, in addition to wider benefits such as our ‘Back to work’ scheme.”

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