Commercial Lines related articles – Page 306
Get wired to survive
Andrew Holt says brokers facing competition from direct channels will die a slow death, but they can fight back with technology
Motoring on the edge
Paul Moorshead says motor rates will have to rise if the market is to avoid heavy losses
Acts of settlement
Lea Brocklebank reviews proposed changes in personal injury compensation
Speccing: freedom to choose
With many solicitors' professional indemnity renewals falling due in October, Peter Dobie looks at a questionable practice which could have serious implications for solicitors, their clients and their insurers
Playing with danger
James Morris and Ailsa Roberts consider some of the risks that property owners face during the school holidays
Are insurers off the hook?
Colin Peck reviews some of the important recent developments concerning insurers' liability for UK asbestos-related exposure
Playing with danger
James Morris and Ailsa Roberts consider some of the risks that property owners face during the school holidays
Global responsibility
Adam Culy says the implications of the Aon v BP case should worry the insurance industry