The Federation of Small Businesses national chairman, Carol Undy, responds to Gordon Brown's ninth budget:

On regulatory enforcement:

“Every single inspection interrupts day-to-day business. Hardworking business owners must be able to concentrate on what they are good at - job creation and wealth generation. We urged Philip Hampton to work towards a single general-purpose inspector. His recommendation to merge 35 inspectorates into 9 is an important start.”

On red tape:

“Businesses have been promised bonfires of red tape in the past and they have never been ignited.”

“The Better Regulation Taskforce report is certainly radical. A more systematic assessment of the administrative cost of regulation should replace the assumptions that are made at present.

On the administration of tax:

“Hardworking business owners will welcome the introduction of a range of flexible payment options for tax bills and we call for them to be implemented immediately.”

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