’Aviation is a dynamic sector facing complex challenges, from supply chain disruptions and evolving safety regulations to emerging risks in sustainability and digital transformation,’ says new appointee
’Launching a dedicated team in London has long been an aspiration contingent on us finding the right team,’ says chief executive
Asking SMEs to buy cyber insurance is ’like asking them to voluntarily buy a culture change’, says cyber chief executive
’We are proud to be one of the first brokers to bind a genuinely data-first MRCv3 in the market,’ says head of Europe operations and transformation
’We now need to see further action from others in the broader insurance and broker industry,’ says minister
’She is the best of the best and knows how to drive meaningful change,’ says head of UK P&C
The independent broker is focused on strong organic growth and gathering ‘superstar’ talent, says head of UK retail
’It’s a question of the industry learning how to do it – that’s where the pause factor is,’ says chief people officer
The independent broker is focused on strong organic growth and gathering ‘superstar’ talent, says head of UK retail