Aon has said its previously announced three-year restructuring plan will cost it $30m more than anticipated.

Aon said that due to "newly identified IT initiatives," the plan is now expected to result in cumulative pretax charges of $290m.

The broker added that nnualized cost savings are now targeted at about $190m by 2008.

Aon said certain aspects of the plan are not finalized and actual total costs and savings could change again.

Aon announced the changes with its financial results for the first quarter of 2006.

The broker said revenues rose 2.4% in the quarter to $1.70bn, while gross revenues, which include underwriting and other corporate revenues, rose 2.4% to $2.52bn.

Net income was down 1% in the quarter to $198m and was negatively impacted by $33m in charges taken in the quarter relating to the restructuring plan.

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