Aon Re announces creation of new facultative reinsurance group...

Aon Re Global has announced the launch of Aon Re Global Fac,a facultative reinsurance group that offers:

* Full CAT peril review, including a reinsurance capacity analysis, risk and portfolio modeling, and reinsurance programme design

* Access to sophisticated analytical and catastrophe modelling capabilities through Aon Re Services

* A Fac-dedicated claims unit for both property and casualty insurers, including secure online access to facultative claim information

* Single global business approach with unparalleled access to global reinsurance markets.

The group will specialise in reinsurance placement of casualty, construction, terrorism, power and on/off shore energy, operating in over 30 offices globally and working with clients ranging from global cedants to captive insurers.

“The formation of Aon Re Global Fac and, more importantly, the ability to offer unmatched facultative expertise and truly global facultative reinsurance placement capabilities is a tremendous win for our clients,” said Michael O'Halleran, chairman and chief executive of Aon Re Global.

“The addition of several new colleagues of the very highest calibre to our team opens up new opportunities for our clients, expanding the scope of what we are able to achieve on their behalf.”

Elliot Richardson will be chief executive of the new unit. “The reinsurance market has experienced significant change in recent years,” said Richardson. “Clients are now looking for integrated solutions to their requirements and facultative is playing an increased role in this change.

Aon Re Global Fac's model of local commitment with global reach allows us to utilise every single area of our business to give clients a tailor made solution”.

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