Tropical Storm Risk said it continued to anticipate above average Atlantic hurricane activity during 2004

Tropical Storm Risk said it continued to anticipate above average Atlantic hurricane activity during 2004.

It said Atlantic based and US landfalling tropical cyclone activity was forecast to be about 140% of average during the 2004 season, which runs from 1 June to 30 November.

It said there was a 65% probability that the Atlantic hurricane season would be above average, only a 28% likelihood that it would be normal, and only a 12% chance that it would be below normal.

In addition, Tropical Storm Risk said there was a 71% probability that storm activity in the main hurricane development region between the Cape Verde Islands and the Caribbean Lesser Antilles, as well as the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico would be above average.

There is a 68% probability that the number of US landfalling storms during 2004 will be above average, concluded Tropical Storm Risk.

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