The ABI has expressed support for the Government’s Foresight Programme on the impact of climate change on flood risks and patterns.

The ABI’s head of general insurance John Parker, said: “Climate change is the most significant environmental challenge facing society. This report highlights the need to pro-actively tackle climate change if we are to avoid significant rises in the risk of flooding.

“While the Government has a significant flood management programme in place, in some areas the flood risk remains substantial. Increased Government spending on flood defences in recent years needs to be sustained to ensure that flood insurance continues to be widely available.”

In order to help those households most at risk of repeated flooding, the ABI, in conjunction with the National Flood Forum (NFF), said it has launched a fact sheet on steps they can take to reduce flood damage.

It said the extra cost involved in making a property more flood resistant would usually be offset by the damage costs saved after a single flood.

Measures the ABI advised households to take include: replacing wooden floors with concrete and recovering with tiles, updating chipboard/MDF kitchen and bathroom units with plastic equivalents, replacing gypsum plaster with more water–resistant material, such as lime plaster, and moving electrical points, service meters and boilers above the likely flood level.

NFF operations director Gill Holland, said: “By encouraging householders and insurance companies to co-operate in putting back more sensible options after flooding, houses become less vulnerable.

"The misery for the homeowner is considerably reduced, along with the size of any future insurance claim.

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