Gross written premium (1999):
Gross written premium (1999):
Swiss Reinsurance Company
Year company established:
UK head office:
Swiss Re House
71-77 Leadenhall Street
tel: 020 7623 3456
fax: 020 7929 4282
website address:
Company history:
Swiss Re UK was established in 1969 after the Swiss Re Group sold the majority shareholding in Mercantile & General Reinsurance Company it had held since 1917. The company underwrites across a broad range of insurance classes covering property, casualty, engineering, marine and aviation risks. The holding company for Swiss Re's extensive operations in the
UK is Swiss Re GB. As far as non-life insurance business is concerned, Swiss Re GB has three key subsidiaries:
Chief officer:
Martin Albers
Main classes of business:
property, casualty, marine and aviation